Add form caching issue

This is my function, and it pulls the value in but only the once, it’s very strange. Is there some caching going on somewhere?

    // New ID Function

    public function newid()
            $db      = \Config\Database::connect();

            $builder = $db->table('radios');
            $query = $builder->get();
            if($builder->countAllResults() > 0){
                // Return latest ID
                $row = $query->getRow();
                $topID = $row->radioID;
                return $topID;

I’ve tried calling this function from within the callback function…
It still only shows the value that would have been in the database the first time the page loaded.

        $crud->callbackAddField('radioID', function() {
            return '<input class="form-control" name="radioID" type="text" value="' . $this->newid() . '" readonly>';