i dont understand !
the function set_upload_field(‘field’,‘assets/files/upload’, ‘pdf’)
but i debug code :
public function set_field_upload($field_name, $upload_dir = ‘’, $allowed_file_types = ‘’)
$upload_dir = !empty($upload_dir) && substr($upload_dir,-1,1) == ‘/’
? substr($upload_dir,0,-1)
: $upload_dir;
$upload_dir = !empty($upload_dir) ? $upload_dir : ‘assets/uploads/files’;
/** Check if the upload Url folder exists. If not then throw an exception **/
if (!is_dir(FCPATH.$upload_dir)) {
throw new Exception("It seems that the folder \"".FCPATH.$upload_dir."\" for the field name
\"".$field_name."\" doesn't exists. Please create the folder and try again.");
$this->upload_fields[$field_name] = (object) array(
'field_name' => $field_name,
'upload_path' => $upload_dir,
'allowed_file_types' => $allowed_file_types,
'encrypted_field_name' => $this->_unique_field_name($field_name));
return $this;
the argument ‘pdf’ don’t pushed to $allowed_file_types at the defined function.
ignore comments.
I dont understand why $crud->set_field_upload(‘file_url’,$p1) when i try to upload a file , cant get the full path from value $p1 so the function set_field_upload gets only the default path ‘assets/upload/files’.
why ? what is going wrong? the session value is for testing.
I am so sorry that I was away for so long. I had to attend to personal issues, and was away from my computer all that time. Please do you still need help in this, so I could look it up ?
hello again,
may i revive this post and i would like to ask , inside getState==edit how can i get a database field ? to
add it on set_field_upload function.
inside controller i create a function to get the folder name and i call it inside edit like this :
but when I go to edit state and I am trying to upload a file , the file uploads to the default folder (assets/uploads/files) if upload_dir is empty but its not.
I print the $photoyear value which is the name of the folder. So I don’t understand why I can’t upload to a specific folder .
can you help with a more detailed example ; Also i cant find more info about getStateInfo. An example.