[ANSWERED] Issue after install with composer


I have installed Grocery CRUD Enterprise using composer with the installer grocery-crud-enterprise-3.1.4-with-codeigniter-4.zip from the wizzard and I get the following error:

@php spark publish
This “system/bootstrap.php” is no longer used. If you are seeing this error message,
the upgrade is not complete. Please refer to the upgrade guide and complete the upgrade.
See …codeigniter4.github.io/userguide/installation/upgrade_450.html
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant “ENVIRONMENT” in /var/www/abc/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Common.php:777
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/krafft/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Debug/Exceptions.php(140): log_message()
#1 [internal function]: CodeIgniter\Debug\Exceptions->exceptionHandler()
#2 {main}
thrown in /var/www/abc/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Common.php on line 777

And from accessing the web page:
This “system/bootstrap.php” is no longer used. If you are seeing this error message, the upgrade is not complete. Please refer to the upgrade guide and complete the upgrade. See …codeigniter4.github.io/userguide/installation/upgrade_450.html

Is it an issue with the composer installer or am I missing something ?


Hello @ywillener and welcome to our forums :slight_smile:

It is not reproducible from my side. This was happening at the previous version but now it is fixed. Are you sure that you’ve took it from scratch? I just downloaded it and it works as expected. In any case to solve your issue as per documentation of Codeigniter 4 Upgrading from 4.4.8 to 4.5.0 — CodeIgniter 4.5.1 documentation please do the following:

cp vendor/codeigniter4/framework/public/index.php public/index.php
cp vendor/codeigniter4/framework/spark spark

and it should work for you.

Thanks Johnny for your quick answer, copying the files fixed the problem.

The installation was done on a fresh install of Ubuntu 22.04, with nothing else installed except the LAMP stack.

That’s weird. Is there anyone else have the same issue? @ywillener just out of curiosity, can you try again to download and just do a composer install? I didn’t change anything but just to make sure.

I have started from a snapshoot of my VM with a fresh LAMP install, reloaded the zip file and done a composer install --prefer-dist and I have the exact same error.

Hello @ywillener that’s very weird. Just to make sure, you have downloaded again the zip file from the site right?

Yes the file proposed on the wizzard grocery-crud-enterprise-3.1.4-with-codeigniter-4.zip

I can send you a capture of the composer install with the error at the end if needed.

Hello @ywillener ,

No problem. I will investigate further to see. Thanks for the feedback

A quick update. The current issue is now resolved at the latest version (3.1.6)