Can't customize className for input and form-group

Hi there,
I used community version of GroceryCrud on a project and i saw that so helpful so i decided to purshase the entreprise version.

But i have some difficult. In Community version 2.0, i was able to change classNames of input but with the entreprise version, all classNames are in the js files and a specified manner.

Can someone help to have a configuration file to change these classes ?

Thanks in advance

Hello @Faustfizz and welcome to our forums :hugs:,

The only current way to do that is to use callback fields. For example for edit form you can use callbackEditField | Grocery CRUD and add your own class names for the inputs.

I hope that helped.


It would be greet if we could config global classes because nowadays we use UI Kit for examples so be forced to use default bootstrap style … :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I lost 2 days trying to modify it. Functionalities are so greet but forced to use default Bootstrap Style … We the previous grocery crud 2.0 Community version, i was so satisfied than now with an entreprise version that i can be free to modify it or config it.

If you can help (having a magic solution, i’m graceful)
