Grocery Crud + Codeigniter 4 + postgresql


I have installed the grocery crud version for codeigniter 4. I use the postgresql database and I have configured codeigniter 4 to connect to postgresql.

Apparently the connection works correctly, but when I try to access the data it seems that it is using the mysql syntax, for example I get this error:
pg_query (): Query failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near “FROM” LINE 1: SHOW COLUMNS FROM

It’s using the postgres driver (pg_query) but the model is not correct, ‘Show columns’ is not correct for postgres.

Some other grocery crud model file for postgres is needed?

Thank you in advance.

what you said is correct, postgreSQL does not support that sintaxis (‘SHOW COLUMNS’), first of all I ‘ve replace that line (439) with this query
"SELECT x.column_name AS “Field”, x.data_type AS type,x.is_nullable AS “Null”,x.column_default as Default,CASE WHEN x.column_default LIKE ‘nextval(%’ THEN ‘auto_increment’ ELSE ‘’ END AS extra,CASE WHEN(select count(*) from information_schema.table_constraints tco join information_schema.key_column_usage kcu on kcu.constraint_name = tco.constraint_name and kcu.constraint_schema = tco.constraint_schema and kcu.constraint_name = tco.constraint_name where tco.constraint_type = ‘PRIMARY KEY’ AND x.column_name =kcu.column_name AND kcu.table_schema=’{$this->table_schema}’ and kcu.table_name=’{$this->table_name}’ )>0 THEN ‘PRI’ ELSE NULL END AS “Key” FROM information_schema.columns x WHERE x.table_schema = ‘{$this->table_schema}’ AND x.table_name = ‘{$this->table_name}’;;"

This enable the list for the get_field_types_basic_table() method.
try replacing it.