Is there a way to display the id key of a table in the grid?
I have a table of orders whose primary key is the order id and I need to display it in the grid
Hello @Pedro ,
You can specify the primary key from the columns
function columns | Grocery CRUD v3
Let me know if that worked for you.
I’m having the same issue. I tried to add the primary key field via the columns function, but it’s not shown.
Any idea to fix it?
Hello @Pedro , @tio this is probably because the columns are cached. Can you try removing your application cache? As also per link Clearing the Cache in Your Browser - HelpDocs Support
You can do that with the following steps:
- Click the Chrome Menu button in the top right corner
- Hover over More Tools
- Click Developer Tools
- In the top menu of developer tools, click Application
- In the left side menu, click Clear storage
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and tick Cache storage and Application cache under Cache
- Press Clear site data
EXCELLENT, works perfectly!
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