[IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT] Grocery CRUD Private Composer 🙌

Exciting news :hugs::hugs::hugs: ! Grocery CRUD is now on a private composer repository for its Enterprise version, hosted on a private server. This simplifies updates and installations for those who uses composer.

In short to update, use:

composer update --prefer-dist

For a fresh installation, run:

composer install --prefer-dist

Embrace this streamlined process for a more efficient workflow and less installation/upgrade steps. For details, dive into the full blog post. Your feedback is valued as we enhance Grocery CRUD :rocket::hammer_and_wrench:.

:link: Read the full blog post here



hello @johnny
i try to update and got this message :

what does it mean ? i’m sure i use valid credentials.

Hello @heruprambadi ,

Please use as username your email address and as password copy the license key (not your actual password) that you can find at the page: User's Page Login

See the screenshot attached:

Let me know if that worked for you.


Yes, that works for me. Thank you @johnny

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after updating from 3.0.13 to this new composer version I’ve got this error

my config file is the same as before.
also, one odd thing is that now I have these “#2” folders and files. “#2” folders are empty.

I’m using code igniter 4
updated following the instructions here

That’s very weird Phil,

If I had to blindly guess would be a weird caching issue. Can you remove the composer.lock file and if possible the vendor folder as well and try to install again with the below command?

composer install --prefer-dist

And then don’t forget to add the command

php spark publish

If that doesn’t work then make sure that you have the file GroceryCrudPublisher.php at app/Publishers folder. You can see the file of publisher here: GroceryCrudPublisher.php · GitHub

and then run the command:

php spark publish


Let me know if that worked for you.


that worked! thanks for your help!

hello @jonny

I am experiencing a similar issue. Initially, when I tried to update using composer update --prefer-dist, I encountered an error like this:

After attempting to delete composer.lock and the vendor folder, I then entered the command composer install --prefer-dist, and all Composer packages were successfully installed. However, when I entered the command php spark publish, I encountered the following error

grocery error 2


sorry spark is for codeigniter right

i use laravel so my command does not working
i use ```
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=“GroceryCrud\LaravelAssetsServiceProvider”
to publish asset and now is working properly

thanks @jonny


Hello @nasrul ,

Nice to hear that worked for you :slight_smile: . Please keep in mind (mainly for other that will see the post) that I also have instructions on the wizard for the update so I hope this also helps :slight_smile:


Hello @johnny , i try to update my old code with composer, and i got this :

could not be fully loaded (Invalid credentials (HTTP 401) for 'https://composer.grocerycrud.com/packages.json', aborting.), package information was loaded from the local cache and may be out of date

Why it not ask for my username & pass ?

Hello @heruprambadi ,

I can’t reproduce the issue. Are you still having issues?

The problem is : my password is changing because i’'m getting a new license. If you’re having the same problem, change password manually in C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Composer\auth.json (Windows) with a new one, and your problem will be solved.

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