Possible bug on filtering table by column keyword

I have noted a problem on filtering the view tables by keywords when there is a reference to other tables. The filtering process is not working. Give a look to this screenshot

The reference are defined correctly with these declarations in the controller:

        $this->grocery_crud->set_relation('units_of_measure_id','units_of_measure','{unit_of_measure} ({id})', null, 'unit_of_measure');
        $this->grocery_crud->set_relation('languages_id','languages','{name} - {language_short_key} ({id})', null, 'name');

Reading the log file I found this

Query error: Column 'name' in where clause is ambiguous - Invalid query: SELECT `formats`.*, CONCAT('', COALESCE(j1cfe157f.unit_of_measure, ''), ' (', COALESCE(j1cfe157f.id, ''), ')') as s1cfe157f, CONCAT('', COALESCE(jd21dc9dc.name, ''), ' - ', COALESCE(jd21dc9dc.language_short_key, ''), ' (', COALESCE(jd21dc9dc.id, ''), ')') as sd21dc9dc
FROM `formats`
LEFT JOIN `units_of_measure` as `j1cfe157f` ON `j1cfe157f`.`id` = `formats`.`units_of_measure_id`
LEFT JOIN `languages` as `jd21dc9dc` ON `jd21dc9dc`.`id` = `formats`.`languages_id`
WHERE `name` LIKE '%rectal%' ESCAPE '!'

The problem is clearly on the column “name” since both formats and languages have a column called “name”. The WHERE clause should have been generated preponing the main table name as in ‘formats.name’ . Anaone experienced the same trouble? is it possible to have a fixing? Thanks.

You don’t say you use the same field name
and you tried in the where
this was a quick look

WHERE formats.name LIKE ‘%rectal%’ ESCAPE ‘!’

I do not create the query, GroceryCrud does it for us. Do you mean there are some grocery crud functions I should use or use differently to avoid the problem? Because for sure I cannot change manually the query itself. Thanks.

Hey guys, any ideas?

May I ask to GC guys to give a look to this use case to check if there is a bug in the query creation? Thank you.

Hello @fede72bari , from what I understood you are referring to Grocery CRUD version 1 right? Are you using the latest version? I remember we had similar issues but are resolved at the latest version (e.g. 1.6.4)

Can you please provide us which version are you using?


Hey, @fede72bari I believe you are referring to Grocery CRUD version 1 at this point. Use the most recent version, please. I recall that these problems have been fixed in the most recent version (e.g. 1.6.5)
Would you kindly let us know what edition you can use? Nowadays many designs of tables are ahead.