Repeated rows when inserting data HELP PLEASE!

Hi, I’m using Grocery Crud v1.5.7 and the problem I have is that when a user inserts a new record, sometimes repeated rows are created.
I’m using the Flexigrid theme. I have followed the suggestion marked as the accepted answer in a StackOverflow question and made the changes in flexigrid-add.js

but it doesn´t seem to work.

This the accepted solution:

I do have same issue with grocerycrud data get inserted multiple time, and I solve this issue by adding following code to the js file.

I was using datatable theme and in that the file was grocery_crud\themes\datatables\js\datatables-add.js

        save_and_close = true;


            url: validation_url,

we need to add “event.stopImmediatePropagation();” after the click and submit events.

This will help to stop multiple dulplicate insert.

Anybody knows about this bug?