Create conditional rules per row on the grid

I need to create 2 conditional rules per row on the data grid.

  1. I need to add custom actions based on the row details. For example, if row “input type” field is TEXT I want to show a Edit Placeholder button for an specific action. I have tried using callbackColumn and it works but when exporting pdf, excel or printing, the button go as information. While tring using the setActionButton I managed to change the destination link of the button based on the row but I don’t want the button to be there. Is there a way to achieve that goal?

  1. I want based on the row to change the edit fields available on the edit popup. If row “input type” field is TEXT, then I want the edit fields to allow editing the placeholder field. If not, I don’t want the edit option to be able to edit the placeholder. It would be a * [editFields] based on the row details. Is that possible?

Thank you!

Hi, I do this with a callback in the relevant column.
So the button is not in the action column, but yo have full access on all data. in my case the email button is only shown if an email is there:

        $crud->callbackColumn('email', function ($value, $row) {
            $email = $value;
            if($email!='') {
                return $email.'<br><a class="btn btn-default r5" href="javascript:location.href = \'mailto:'. $email . '";\'" role="button" target=""><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i><span>&nbsp;E-Mail</span></a>';
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